Why some people are turned on by choking during sex?

Why some people are turned on by choking during sex?

In the realm of human sexuality, there exist a myriad of fantasies, desires, and fetishes that can be both intriguing and perplexing. One such topic that has garnered attention in recent years is the phenomenon of erotic asphyxiation, commonly known as choking during sex. This article delves into the psychology and physiology behind why some people are turned on by this practice, aiming to shed light on a subject often shrouded in controversy.

Understanding Erotic Asphyxiation

What Is Erotic Asphyxiation?

Erotic asphyxiation, often referred to as “breath play” or “choking,” is a sexual practice that has piqued the curiosity of many. At its core, it involves intentionally restricting a person’s airflow during sexual activities to enhance arousal and pleasure. While the idea may sound extreme or dangerous to some, it’s essential to understand that participants in erotic asphyxiation typically engage in this practice consensually and with a clear understanding of the risks involved.

The act of erotic asphyxiation can take various forms, ranging from mild to intense. In its milder form, individuals may use their hands to gently apply pressure to the neck of their partner, momentarily restricting airflow. In more intense forms, specialized tools or restraints may be employed. The allure of erotic asphyxiation lies in the heightened sensations and the unique emotional and physical experiences it can evoke.

The Psychology Behind It

1. Control and Submission

The psychological aspect of erotic asphyxiation is a complex interplay of control and submission. For individuals who find this practice appealing, the act of choking represents a potent form of control. The person administering the pressure assumes dominance over their partner’s ability to breathe, creating a dynamic of submission that can be profoundly arousing for both parties involved.

In this power exchange, trust and consent are paramount. The person being choked places their trust in their partner, relying on them to maintain control while prioritizing safety. The feeling of vulnerability and dependence can intensify the overall experience, making it a powerful element in the realm of BDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Dominance, Submission, Sadism, and Masochism) and kink.

2. Intense Sensations

Beyond the psychological dynamics, the allure of erotic asphyxiation also lies in the intense physical sensations it produces. When airflow is restricted, the body reacts by entering a state of hypoxia, where oxygen levels are temporarily reduced. This physiological response can result in heightened sensitivity and a sense of euphoria.

For those engaging in erotic asphyxiation, the heightened sensations can be profoundly pleasurable and may even lead to altered states of consciousness. The body’s response to oxygen deprivation can mimic the sensations of sexual arousal, amplifying the overall experience. However, it is crucial to remember that these sensations come with inherent risks, and safety precautions should always be taken to mitigate potential harm.

By understanding the psychology and physiology behind erotic asphyxiation, individuals can gain insight into why some people are drawn to this practice. It is essential to approach it with knowledge, caution, and open communication to ensure a safe and consensual experience for all parties involved.

The Physiology of Arousal

1. Endorphin Release

During choking, the body’s natural response is to release endorphins to combat the stress caused by reduced oxygen levels. Endorphins are often referred to as “feel-good” hormones, and their release can result in a euphoric sensation, contributing to the arousal experienced during erotic asphyxiation.

2. Increased Heart Rate

The restriction of airflow can also lead to an increase in heart rate, creating a sense of excitement and adrenaline rush. This physiological response can mimic the sensations of sexual arousal, adding to the appeal of choking during sex.

Risks and Safety Concerns

When it comes to engaging in erotic asphyxiation, it’s crucial to prioritize safety above all else. This practice can carry significant risks, and participants must be well-informed and take precautions to minimize harm. Here are some key points to consider:

Risks Associated with Erotic Asphyxiation:

  1. Oxygen Deprivation: The primary risk in erotic asphyxiation is oxygen deprivation. Even a brief interruption in airflow can lead to unconsciousness, brain damage, or, in extreme cases, death.
  2. Physical Injury: The use of restraints or pressure on the neck can lead to physical injuries such as bruising, muscle strain, or even damage to the throat and windpipe.
  3. Psychological Impact: Engaging in choking during sex can have psychological consequences, including anxiety, trauma, or guilt, especially if safety and consent are not adequately addressed.

Safety Measures to Implement:

  1. Clear Communication: Before engaging in erotic asphyxiation, partners should have a candid conversation about boundaries, expectations, and safe words. Open and honest communication is paramount.
  2. Consent: Ensure that all parties involved provide informed and enthusiastic consent. Consent should be ongoing and can be withdrawn at any time.
  3. Safe Gestures: Establishing safe gestures, such as tapping or signaling with a free hand, is crucial. These gestures serve as an immediate signal to stop if the experience becomes uncomfortable or unsafe.
  4. Education: Educate yourself about the anatomy of the neck and the potential risks involved. Knowing where to apply pressure safely is essential.

The Importance of Consent and Communication

In the realm of sexual exploration, consent and communication are the cornerstones of a healthy and safe experience. Whether you are considering erotic asphyxiation or any other sexual activity, here are some valuable insights into fostering a consensual and communicative environment:

Effective Communication in Sexual Relationships:

  1. Open Dialogue: Create a safe space where both partners can openly discuss their desires, boundaries, and comfort levels. Honest communication builds trust and understanding.
  2. Active Listening: Pay attention to your partner’s verbal and non-verbal cues. It’s essential to be attuned to their feelings and reactions throughout the experience.
  3. Consent as a Continuous Process: Consent should be ongoing and can be renegotiated at any point during sexual activities. Prioritize checking in with your partner to ensure their comfort.

Establishing Trust and Respect:

  1. Respect Boundaries: Respect your partner’s boundaries and limits, even if they change over time. Consent is about respecting their autonomy.
  2. Avoid Pressure: Never pressure your partner into engaging in activities they are uncomfortable with. Consent must be freely given without coercion.
  3. Prioritize Safety: Safety should always come first. Discuss safety measures, have a plan in place, and be prepared to stop or modify activities if necessary.

By emphasizing communication and consent, individuals can create a positive and fulfilling sexual experience while ensuring the well-being of all parties involved. Consent is not only a crucial aspect of erotic asphyxiation but a fundamental aspect of healthy sexual relationships in general.

Safety Measures




Open and honest conversation between partners about boundaries, expectations, and safe words is essential.

Effective communication builds trust and ensures that both partners are on the same page.

Informed Consent

All parties involved must provide informed and enthusiastic consent. Consent should be ongoing and can be withdrawn.

Consent is the foundation of any sexual activity, ensuring that all participants are willing.

Safe Gestures

Establishing safe gestures, such as tapping or signaling with a free hand, allows for immediate communication to stop.

Safe gestures provide a quick and clear way to indicate discomfort or the need to pause.

Education on Anatomy

Understanding the anatomy of the neck and potential risks involved is crucial for safely applying pressure.

Knowledge about the body’s vulnerable areas helps prevent accidents and injuries.

This table provides a quick reference for individuals considering erotic asphyxiation, highlighting key safety measures that should be in place to minimize risks and ensure a safe and consensual experience.

In the realm of human sexuality, preferences and desires can vary widely from person to person. Erotic asphyxiation, as a practice that involves breath control during sex, appeals to some individuals due to its psychological and physiological effects. However, it is crucial to approach this practice with caution, prioritize safety, and always obtain informed and enthusiastic consent from all parties involved.


1. Is erotic asphyxiation safe?

Erotic asphyxiation carries inherent risks and should only be practiced with a consenting and informed partner who understands the potential dangers. Safety measures, such as setting clear boundaries and using safe gestures, should always be in place.

2. Can erotic asphyxiation lead to serious injury or death?

Yes, erotic asphyxiation can lead to serious injury or death if not done with caution. It is essential to be aware of the risks and prioritize safety when engaging in this practice.

3. Are there alternative ways to explore power dynamics in sex?

Yes, there are many alternative ways to explore power dynamics in sex that do not involve breath control. Communication, role-playing, and the use of safe words can be effective means of achieving similar desires while minimizing risks.

4. Is erotic asphyxiation common?

The prevalence of erotic asphyxiation is difficult to quantify, as it is considered a niche practice within the realm of sexual fetishes. It may be more common among individuals who have explored various aspects of BDSM.

5. How can I broach the topic of erotic asphyxiation with my partner?

If you are interested in exploring erotic asphyxiation with your partner, it is crucial to have an open and honest conversation about your desires and boundaries. Respect your partner’s comfort level and prioritize safety and consent above all else.